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April 25, 2018

Creating A Selenium Testing Framework In C#

In this post, we will take a look at how you can create a Selenium testing framework to simplify your tests using C#. Of course, the principles apply to other programming languages as well. Why A Testing Framework? Why should you even go through the hassle of creating your own (more…)
April 18, 2018

SauceLabs: Screencast

The Selenium Grid provider Sauce Labs can be used to run your Selenium tests in a scalable manner in the cloud without having to set up any infrastructure locally. JavaC#RubyPythonJavaScript To run the code featured in this lesson you will need an account with Sauce Labs. You can get a (more…)
April 13, 2018

BrowseEmAll: Screencast

Learn how to use the on-premise Selenium Grid tool BrowseEmAll to run your Selenium tests on your local machine or in your own infrastructure. JavaC#RubyPythonJavaScript To run the code featured in this lesson you will need to install BrowseEmall. A free trial for Windows, macOS, and Linux is available here. (more…)
April 5, 2018

BrowseEmAll: Text Version

The on-premise Selenium Grid tool BrowseEmAll can be used to run your Selenium tests on your local machine or in your own infrastructure. To run the code featured in this lesson you will need to install BrowseEmAll. You can download the free trial for Windows / Mac / Linux here. (more…)
April 5, 2018


Learn how to use the on premise Selenium Grid tool BrowseEmAll to run your Selenium tests on your local machine or in your own infrastructure. In this lesson you will learn: How to run your tests using BrowseEmAll Prerequisites: Ideally, you should complete these lessons first: Development Environment Setup for (more…)
March 16, 2018

TestingBot: Screencast

Learn how you can run your Selenium tests using TestingBot.com. JavaC#RubyPythonJavaScript To run the code featured in this lesson you will need an account with TestingBot. You can get a free trial account here. For this lesson, you will need your key and secret which you can find in your (more…)
March 13, 2018

CrossBrowserTesting: Screencast

Learn how you can run your Selenium tests using CrossBrowserTesting.com. JavaC#RubyPythonJavaScript To run the code featured in this lesson you will need an account with CrossBrowserTesting. You can get a free trial account here. For this lesson, you will need your username and authkey which you can find in your (more…)
March 8, 2018

CrossBrowserTesting: Text Version

The Selenium Grid provider CrossBrowserTesting can be used to run your Selenium tests in a scalable manner in the cloud without having to set up any infrastructure locally. To run the code featured in this lesson you will need an account with CrossBrowserTesting. You can get a free trial account (more…)
March 8, 2018


Learn how to use the Selenium Grid provider CrossBrowserTesting.com to run your Selenium tests. In this lesson you will learn: How to run your tests using CrossBrowserTesting.com How to run tests on mobile devices Prerequisites: Ideally, you should complete these lessons first: Development Environment Setup for your language Introduction to (more…)
March 7, 2018

TestingBot: Text Version

The Selenium Grid provider TestingBot can be used to run your Selenium tests in a scalable manner in the cloud without having to set up any infrastructure locally. To run the code featured in this lesson you will need an account with TestingBot. You can get a free trial account (more…)